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Why Prioritize Public Art and Outdoor Fitness?

The recent decline in US life expectancy underscores the need for proactive health measures. Research links transportation choices and obesity, highlighting the importance of pedestrian-friendly communities. Physical activity is crucial for overall health and reducing noncommunicable diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic further emphasized the need for accessible outdoor spaces when indoor facilities were closed.

The built environment significantly impacts our health and daily choices. With concerns of rising healthcare costs amongst civic leaders, NFC is working with municipalities of all sizes to combat lifestyle-related diseases by developing outdoor wellness hubs with pedestrian and bike trails, public parks, and Fitness Courts®.

Reno based artist Remy Glock poses in front of one of two Fitness Courts® she designed in Washoe County, NV.

Studies show public art reduces anxiety and social isolation, personalizing spaces and giving residents a stronger sense of identity. Every Fitness Court® is a unique piece of art, promoting local artists and cultural elements. By integrating art with fitness, we can reimagine public spaces, fostering both healthy living and community ties.

“My first mural with the city of Huntsville is officially open to view to the public. This has been a long journey but I’ve appreciated every minute of it! My mural “Building a Legacy” is now the landmark sign for the new Legacy Park. The amount of love and appreciation this piece is getting has blown my mind. All the years of hard work are finally paying off and I’m more than excited to see what the future holds! Y’all buckle up! I’m only getting started.” - Local artist Jamal "FRESKO" Turner on his mural design of the Fitness Court at Huntsville's Legacy Park.

Public art reflects community identity and values, transforming ordinary spaces into places of emotional significance. Outdoor Fitness Courts® provide free, accessible physical activity opportunities, nurturing both body and soul. Combined, these elements enhance community engagement and participation. These spaces become gathering points for shared experiences and collective memories, enhancing the community's social fabric. Events centered around public art and fitness further strengthen social bonds and create a sense of belonging.

Kutztown University students lead a fitness workshop as part of the second annual Keith Haring Day in Kutztown, PA.

Investing in public art and outdoor fitness enhances community vitality. Attractive public spaces increase property values, boost local businesses, and attract tourists. They also reduce healthcare costs by promoting healthier lifestyles.

Civic leaders play a crucial role in integrating public art and outdoor fitness. By advocating for these initiatives with NFC’s expert team of consultants, leaders can secure funding, policy changes, and community involvement. Collaborating with local artists and art organizations, the Fitness Court® becomes a functional, meaningful, and inspiring space.

Integrating public art and outdoor fitness transforms communities. Embrace this synergy to create vibrant, inclusive public spaces that promote health and well-being for all. 

Let's build environments where creativity meets health, and where everyone feels a sense of belonging.