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“When Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota approached Mayor Marv Calvin last year on the Fitness Court® concept, staff agreed that this was a great opportunity for the city of Willmar," said City Administrator Leslie Valiant. "It was an opportunity to collaborate with a private entity to stretch city park improvement dollars further and bring a new feature that previously was not available to our residents.”

On July 19, 2023 the City of Willmar officially became the first healthy community to join the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (Blue Cross) wellness campaign when they launched the state’s first Fitness Court® Studio. 

One of 37 active parks in Willmar, Sperry Park was selected for its high visibility and accessibility to residents and visitors. Located off one of the most traveled roads in Willmar, this location was selected for its proximity to nearby Robbins Island and its recreational amenities for families and adults of all ages. The Fitness Court® Studio is within walking or cycling distance of approximately 9,500 Willmar residents.

“I remember this park when I was growing up as a kid,” said President of Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce and launch event emcee, James Miller. “There was nothing here. And then there were tennis courts, and then the tennis courts became pickleball courts. Now, with the playground and this — this is really such an awesome thing to see, especially when we can look across the street and see Robbins Island Regional Park and all the things going on there and just the continued growth and opportunities here for the City of Willmar.”

Former Willmar Mayor Marv Calvin also offered his comments during the launch event, noting the impact that Blue Cross has had on the community of Willmar. “I remember sitting at the first meeting at the Willmar Area Community Foundation and Wendy Foley was there talking about some things Blue Cross could do in our community to make an impact to decrease obesity, decrease people being sedentary and getting people out and making things happen.” 

Over 50 community members were in attendance to celebrate alongside members from the Willmar Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, the City of Willmar, Willmar Parks & Recreation, Willmar Fire, Willmar Police and Blue Cross.

“It’s great to once again be celebrating a long and strong partnership between Blue Cross and the city of Willmar,” said Bukata Hayes, vice president and chief equity officer at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, noting Blue Cross’ job is to listen, learn, partner and act with communities. “This is another example of that idea of how we partner in community to get results that community believes are necessary as they continue to grow.

In addition to the ribbon cutting, Willmar-based sculpture artist Sonja Madsen was honored during the event for her artwork featuring graphics of outdoor activities like running, biking, and swimming through landscapes connected by a graphic trail on the Fitness Court® Studio.

After the ribbon was officially cut, members of the Willmar Police Department and Willmar Fire Department had a friendly competition on the Fitness Court® to demonstrate all seven stations. Following the friendly competition, the City of Willmar hosted a free yoga class for members of the community. Since the launch event in July, the city has planned programming with local yoga studios, Silver Sneakers and nearby Willmar Senior High School teachers and coaches. 

Learn more about the Blue Cross campaign in Minnesota and how you can champion health and wellness in your community.