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The Town of Lee joined the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts campaign this July as the first campaign partner in western Massachusetts. The launch event brought out the entire community – nearly 100 people were in attendance as the Fitness Court® behind Lee Middle and High School was announced to the public.  

The collaboration between the civic and education leaders in the Town of Lee brought this vision to life for the small town with less than 2,000 residents. The ribbon-cutting event featured remarks from the Town of Lee Select Board Chair Bob Jones, Lee High School Principal Gregg Brighenti and Paul Sweeney, Vice President of Municipal and Labor Sales from Blue Cross. Attendees heard inspirational remarks from Fitness Court® ambassador and local Soules Fitness trainer, Justin Soules, on how he has activated the community with free classes on Saturdays at the Fitness Court®.  

The Town of Lee Police Department and Department of Public Works (DPW) broke in the Fitness Court® with a fitness challenge emceed with special play-by-play from Live 95.9 local radio. After a friendly competition, the DPW came out on top and received a trophy – the Lee community was so inspired they have been asking for a rematch! In addition to radio interviews after the demonstrations of all seven stations on the Fitness Court®, the town’s local paper, The Berkshire Eagle, was on site to capture all the excitement from the day. Attendees were able to try out the Fitness Court® for themselves, grab healthy snacks that were donated by a local grocery store and learn more about active programming with Soules Fitness and Lee Middle and High School programming for students, staff and families. 

"This Fitness Court® is pretty fascinating because it allows you to exercise just about every aspect of your body. You can learn how to move through each station in ways that are both challenging and/or modified.” – Justin Soules, Fitness Court® Ambassador from Soules Fitness

Bring the campaign to your community or school and ignite free, accessible wellness for all residents and visitors for decades to come!