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Central Christian College of Kansas pioneers wellness by bringing the first Fitness Court® Studio to the City of McPherson.

Located right in the heart of Kansas in the City of McPherson sits Central Christian College of Kansas (CCCK). CCCK offers on-campus and online learning in associates, bachelors and master’s degree programs. Integrated into the footprint of McPherson, CCCK has a vibrant and active campus community that extends beyond the educational walls. Naturally, the investment in free, accessible outdoor wellness was well received by campus leadership and civic leaders in McPherson. On November 16 2023, CCCK became the first Fitness Court® Studio and first four-year higher education partner to join the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas wellness campaign.

The ribbon cutting ceremony was paired with a McPherson Chamber of Commerce Chamber Connection event, bringing together community leaders and business owners throughout McPherson. Leaders from the college who gave remarks included President Dr. Lenny Favara, Chief Strategic Operations Officer Doug Vanderhoof and Program Director for Exercise Science, Tricia Pimentel. McPherson Mayor Tom Brown also welcomed the crowd along with representatives from the McPherson Chamber, including Executive Director Debbie Hawkinson and Board President Chad Hitt. Both campus and civic leaders spoke on the benefits of outdoor exercise, 24/7 access and the flexibility of use for adults of all ages, abilities and fitness levels – bringing together the campus community and greater McPherson community.

“We pride ourselves in being Kansans serving Kansans with the core purpose of providing peace of mind and quality of life,” with closing remarks at the podium, Virginia Barnes, Director of Blue Health Initiatives from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. “And what better way to do that than to partner with the community and bring assets, like this Fitness Court® Studio, to communities like yours. To make sure that not only students have access to physical activity but also the community and bring that all together.”

Following the remarks, the ribbon was officially cut on the first Fitness Court® Studio in the state of Kansas with a friendly challenge between McPherson Police and Fire departments, getting the crowd to cheer on their local first responders. CCCK students then demonstrated all seven stations of the Fitness Court®, showing modifications from beginner levels to more advanced movements while promoting the free-to-download Fitness Court® App for a full library of workouts at your fingertips.

“We were working to identify specific projects that would have a significant impact on the student body, but also how to partner with the local community. When our Chief Academic Officer brought the idea of an outdoor Fitness Court® Studio and as I began to see what the program had to offer, and how it would provide the opportunity to partner with the local community – it seemed like a no brainer for us.” – Christian College of Kansas President, Dr. Lenny Favara

Learn more about the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Campaign and help champion health and wellness in your community!