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The greater Lewiston community benefits from free programming, youth recreation and community integration thanks to the Auburn-Lewiston YMCA and Lewiston Recreation

Just about a year from its initial launch, the Fitness Court® at Simard-Payne Park has been a welcome addition to the greater Lewiston community. Both the Auburn-Lewiston YMCA (A-L YMCA) and Lewiston Recreation, have provided free programming, youth recreation and community integration with large scale events in Lewiston. 

Prior to the 15th Annual Dempsey Challenge this fall – powerful run, walk and ride events to honor and celebrate making life better for people impacted by cancer – A-L YMCA trainers Kendil and Kevin partnered with the Dempsey Center to showcase the Fitness Court® in Lewiston. Part of a Tuesday Together segment along with Health Options, trainers Kendil and Kevin and the Dempsey Center showcased live demonstrations on the Fitness Court® prior to hundreds of people descending on Lewiston for the big event day on September 23. 

“The Fitness Court® is free to the community and very accessible. We look at things like walkability and bikeability with a beautiful trail network right along the river here that has something to offer for all fitness abilities.” - Amanda McKenzie live during the Dempsey Center Tuesday Together segment

Throughout the spring and summer of 2023, the A-L YMCA scheduled classes ranging from outdoor bootcamps to 20-minute introductory circuit classes for all levels at the Fitness Court® at Simard-Payne Park. On May 27, the A-L YMCA participated in the Murph Challenge: an annual event honoring fallen Navy Seal and Medal of Honor Recipient, Lieutenant Michael Murphy, and all those who have fallen in service to our country. At 8am at the Fitness Court®, the community was invited to join A-L YMCA trainers for full, half and modified versions of the Murph Challenge. The event raised money for Mission Working Dogs, an organization to aid individuals with disabilities so that the handler can live a life to the fullest and more independently.

In addition to the A-L YMCA, Lewiston Recreation has been working to inspire teens to stay active at the Fitness Court®. During the 2023 summer camp this year, counselors integrated Fitness Court® sessions with the young campers, demonstrating modified movements at each station while participating in fun challenge activities amongst the teens. 

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