Building a Healthier Lima: Mayor Smith's Vision for Community Wellness

Mayor Sharetta Smith shares insights into the city's ongoing efforts and future plans to promote a healthier, more active community

September 5, 2024

In northwestern Ohio, the City of Lima is redefining community health and wellness. Under the leadership of Mayor Sharetta Smith, the city has embarked on initiatives to ensure that residents and visitors alike can enjoy safe, accessible spaces for fitness and recreation. In an exclusive interview, Mayor Smith shares insights into the city's ongoing efforts and future plans to promote a healthier, more active community.

Prioritizing Health and Wellness

"Healthy people make a healthy community," Mayor Smith emphasizes. With nearly 400 acres of parks and public land, including the scenic Ottawa River Bikeway, Lima has ample resources for outdoor activities. However, despite these assets, many residents struggle to maintain healthy lifestyles.

To address this, the city partnered with National Fitness Campaign to install the Fitness Court®, an outdoor gym designed for adults of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. The new Lima Fitness Court, leverages existing assets like the Ottawa River Bikeway and downtown community spaces. This initiative aligns with Lima's commitment to providing safe, engaging recreational spaces.

Discovering the National Fitness Campaign

Mayor Smith learned about the National Fitness Campaign through the Ohio Mayors Alliance and spearheaded Lima’s application for the 2023 Healthy Cities Campaign Grant. Lima was selected and received a $30,000 grant from National Fitness Campaign, highlighting the value of networks like the Ohio Mayors Alliance, where leaders can share successful community initiatives.

Mayor Smith poses with Ohio Mayors Alliance's Executive Director Keary McCarthy at the Lima Fitness Court ribbon cutting event.

Bringing the Fitness Court to Lima

Securing the grant was just the beginning. The city also obtained additional funding through the Better Together Plan, which allocates American Rescue Plan Act dollars based on input drawn from residents, business owners and other stakeholders. 

"Parks, recreation, and youth programming were top priorities identified by the community, with a focus on creating safe, accessible spaces for everyone to engage in recreation and improve their health," Mayor Smith explained, "and the Fitness Court was a perfect fit for this priority."

Next, the city and National Fitness Campaign planning experts worked together to identify potential locations for the Fitness Court. Targeted areas focused on car, bike, and walking accessibility while also being slightly removed from heavy traffic. This led the city to the downtown space along the Ottawa River Bikeway. Its close proximity to the Lima YMCA also allowed the city to extend the invitation for YMCA instructors and clientele to host classes and use the Fitness Court.

After the location was selected, the City of Lima’s Streets Department installed the concrete pad to reduce the costs and improve the timeline for launch. Throughout the concrete pad pouring, many residents and community members started to get engaged and ask questions about the project. The community excitement and increased traffic in the area even spurred on some local businesses to invest in their exterior improvements, allowing the Fitness Court to play a part in continued restoration and revitalization efforts downtown.  

Community Response

The response from the Lima community has been overwhelmingly positive. Within 48 hours of announcing the Fitness Court installation on social media, the news spread rapidly, reaching over eleven thousand users and receiving more than 300 shares. The ribbon cutting event on May 23, 2024 saw tremendous community support. Representatives from the Lima Police and Fire Departments participated in a live Fitness Court Challenge that showcased the use of the equipment. The city saw representation from the Chamber of Commerce, City Council, Activate Allen County, Visit Greater Lima Convention & Visitors Bureau, Downtown Lima Inc., as well as the Executive Director of the Ohio Mayors Alliance, Mr. Keary McCarthy.

City of Lima Police and Fire Departments face off in the Fitness Court Challenge.

Active Ambassadors and Programming

To maximize the Fitness Court's impact, the city employs two Fitness Court Ambassadors, Ms. Tesha Banks and Ms. Shae Ingram. Both are well-known health and fitness leaders in Lima and lead city-sponsored classes every Monday and Wednesday evening, and Tuesday and Thursday morning. "This free community programming encourages connections among participants, fostering a supportive fitness community," says Mayor Smith.

Fitness Court® Ambassadors Tesha Banks (left) and Kylie Archer with the Lima Police Department (right) flex for the camera.

Future Plans

With 65 participants already registered for current fitness classes, the city plans to expand its programming. Mayor Smith mentions, "We are exploring continued programming for this fall and 2025." Additionally, the city will launch the “Fitness Fridays” campaign in August, encouraging residents to share their fitness journeys on social media.

Lima residents participate in the first free Fitness Court® class of the summer.

A Vision for Accessible Fitness

Mayor Smith's favorite aspect of the Fitness Court is its accessibility. "The Fitness Court's design allows users to move at their own pace, accommodating all fitness levels from ages 14 to 104," she notes. This inclusivity aligns with Lima's goal of building a city that works for everyone.

Advice for Other Municipalities

Mayor Smith encourages other municipalities to consider partnerships with organizations like the National Fitness Campaign.

"Creating accessible, engaging public spaces doesn't have to be complicated," she advises. "Turnkey solutions like the Fitness Court can enhance existing community assets and improve the use of public spaces."

Final Thoughts

"Healthy people make a healthy community," Mayor Smith reiterates. "The whole community wins when we make health and fitness a priority."

With its ongoing efforts to promote health and wellness, Lima sets a shining example for other cities. Mayor Smith's vision and leadership continue to inspire a healthier, more vibrant community for all.

Interested in learning more about bringing a Fitness Court and wellness programming to your community or school? We're here to work with you every step of the way.

*All photos are credited to the City of Lima